How You Can Help

The most important thing you can do is just tell as many people as you know about the Downtown Relief Line. Give them information, or send them to the website. It is important that people understand the benefits a new subway can provide, and the necessity to construct the Downtown Relief Line as soon as possible. All I ask if you agree with this proposal is that you tell at least 4 people you know about the proposal and the website. The more people who know about this issue, the more important it becomes, and it can become a legitimate election issue.

Another way to help is to sign the online petition. As of the time of this writing, a mere 669 people had signed it. I believe we can get this number over 10,000 with a little promotion. I encourage you to digitally sign and to encourage your friends and family to. You can also join the facebook group.

Finally, ask your politicians how they feel about the line. If they are unaware of it, send them to this site. Tell them the issue is important to you, and make it clear that you consider it an election issue. If you have a chance to talk with one of Toronto's mayoral candidates, definitely ask them about it. If enough people ask them, politicians will need to take a formal stance on the matter.

If you feel you can help in any other capacity beyond this, feel free to contact me. Any help I can get in promoting this proposal would be appreciated beyond words.

© 2010 Phil Orr & Andrew Perry